Am I the only one Noticing this!!!!!

High hype around PRP and Chiru becoming the CM in 2009

It was 2008 that Chiranjeevi started Praja Rajyam Party(PRP) with hopes of being the CM of Andhra Pradesh. He’s not to blame. It was the way Film Culture is in Andhra Pradesh as well as neighboring Tamil Nadu. People believe and adore the Film Citizens, they easily surrender the power of ruling to them. Everything was fine till he screwed it up badly by being over-delusional. But thats past. Anyway, so in 2009 elections, he successfully helped Congress win the election by bypassing the votes to be won by Telugu Desam Party(TDP). And since then, it seemed a lot of hype and a little of gain phenomenon. His co-actors like Jayaprada and Jayasudha were already MLA’s without any hype that surrounded him, not to mention his dreams of becoming the CM. So, unable to cope up with the small candy, he continued hoping for a bigger one. But this time, instead of keeping hopes on his relatives and fans, he believed time would heal everything. By the beginning of 2011, he started giving minute clues of his merger into a major party. It was by 2011 Feb 6th announced his plans of merger into Indian National Congress. It was an utter disappointment to his fans, because he along with his brothers publicly humiliated Congress Party and its Principles during election Campaign(trust me, 2009 election campaigns were the lowest grade of all in the State. It was disgusting :/ ).

I guess he took time till August 26th as he wanted his fans to get along with his move. If he merged in Feb or successive months, humiliation fans would face is a lot (infront of fans and followers of other actors). So, the media too played light on the issue with no much speculations or mockery on the Leader. But it was like Chess. Arrange all the players on board individually and then…..BOOM!! blast it out. Ultimate aim….Win…single Agenda.

Now what one has to notice is that, After 2009 Elections in Andhra Pradesh and after Y.S.R’s tragedy, the state had not much of real politicians running the state, Moreover the issue of Telangana too started igniting the Govt. more and more. Whatsoever the Government does, there was always something missing in the policies and the action committees mentioned. Everybody was upset with some or the other problems, moreover the central situation was also polluted with 2G and other Corruption Scandals. So, the INC in Centre needed to assure its success in 2014 elections. It was a tough task. Taken that the Big Names in State politics have been divided into people who supported YCongress(party started by Y.S. Jagan, son of YSR), people who stated publicly supporting Telangana. A leader is never expected to stay biased. Morover, if Telangana is declared, he would be kept for Telangana itself. Then what about the Andhra Region. And on the contrary, what if Telangana isn’t announced? This makes him/her last option for a combined CM. This made INC think of an alternative. It needed someone with charisma. Someone who people believed. And someone to whose rallies and speeches people would come regardless their political interests. And Bingo!!! our Big guy right here has got his shoes tied up for being a CM. And if he hadn’t been included, its for sure that he would be  campaigning individually or with other parties (say TDP) so, he’s again gonna play his part in wasting the valuable votes. And if fate may have it, this time Congress could suffer his presence like TDP in 2009. So its a combo pack. You are sure to win, you’ve got the charisma and your trouble of having a potential opponent is sorted out!!!

there was a treat to congress had chiranjeevi chosen to join TDP, but this guy turned wise 😉

Think about it. After just joining into the INC in Andra Pradesh, Chiranjeevi briefed out the future working of Congress to all the state leaders of Congress!!! Seriously! If you’ve a new sailor on board he is explained the way things work. But not given the Mic to say how to work….unless……He’s gonna keep doing that for the coming years!!! a.k.a. Next CM. Lets face it, Kiran Kumar Reddy is nowhere the candidate Congress had in its plan. It was an emergency, with Rosaih retiring and speculations rising on state without able CM. Even movies were made on the state political leaders (Leader). So someone who could work with presence of mind yet listen to the central Govt. was needed. And now that another able candidate is found, Kiran Kumar is kept aside. I mean, when the Central Govt. has been taking decision on the Telangana Issue, Chiranjeevi was in Delhi where as the Governor and CM of Andhra Pradesh were in the state. They were called upon 2 days later. It was as if, Big guys spoke of everything and only censored version is presented to kids!

Chiranjeevi was a hit in Film Industry. But he disappointed his fans so hard that now his plans for a 150th cinema are too unreliable to stay realistic..Moreover, when he already presented his brother (Pawan Kalyan), son(Ram Charan) and nephew(Allu Arjun) to the industry, the old guy isn’t much bothered of. All his fans migrated to is other family members. He let them down. But for politics. C’mon when an unknown name Kiran Kumar Reddy could be made CM, the known Big, or rather Better Guy could easily be selected. That too, when he’s ready to venture into anything that allows him to become CM. He stayed low since he was given ministry in Tirupati after 2009 elections. It was as if he was invincible. He only appeared in Film News and short comments on govt. that too one in a blue moon. My dad initially laughed at my observation, but seriously, Am i the only one noticing this!!!

Published by Mr. Virtuoso

I'm an about-you-phobe!!! Yup, read it twice or thrice, its gonna remain the same.... :|

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